You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.13. Maintenance - Item Maintenance > Maintenance - Item Maintenance - Bin Location Maintenance > Bin Location Maintenance - Change Bin Locations > Managing Completed Bin Change Batches > Change Bin Locations - File - Post
Change Bin Locations - File - Post

Use this option to post a bin change batch. This changes the bin locations for the items in the batch. Depending on the option you selected on the Create Bin Change Batch screen, this either changes the bin locations for the items in the batch or deletes empty bins.

To post a bin change batch:

  1. Process the bin change batch to completion stage.

Refer to "Managing Completed Bin Change Batches".

  1. Select FILE | POST.

Micronet scans the bin change batch and updates bin locations in the following files:

Warehouse Item File

Warehouse Item Bin Locations

Serial Number File

Debtors Invoice Multi Bin File

Debtors Invoice Sub-Assembly Multi Bin File

Works Order Multi Bin File

Works Order Sub-Assembly Multi Bin File

POS Multi Bin File

Stock Transfer Multi Bin File

Job Transaction Multi Bin File

Job Batch Multi Bin File

Purchase Receipt Multi Bin File

Purchase Import Multi Bin File

Serial Number File.

It then deletes the batch and redisplays the Change Bin Locations screen.